ONLINE RESUME OF William Gunkel Home (650) 359-4185 Cell (650) 703-0852 Email: Web: Short cuts: Summary of Qualifications Professional Experience Skills MarkMonitor SiRF Technology Genentech Ask Jeeves R2 Technology Excite@Home GN Resound Stanford Telecom Spectra-Physics LDS Trimble Navigation Verilink Senior Test Engineer / Senior Engineering Tech Objective Test Engineering / Software Quality Assurance Management Utilizing my 20+ years of engineering development and test experience to set high standards for the Test Engineer / SQA process. Summary of Qualifications FireEye QA Manager /
Senior Platform Engineer April 2010 to Current - Manage 5 on-shore and 8 off-shore QA engineers
- Assist in testing (hands on manager)
MarkMonitor QA Lead / QA Director July 2009 To April 2010 -- job redefined as Director of Service Delivery -
Setup project management for QA via Jira, complete Jira 4.0 upgrade -
Set project priorities and manage verification process for weekly maintenance release -
Drive the automation process via HP Quality Center -
Performed hands on black box testing of portal -
Managed QA test servers, created shell scripts to deploy code to server -
Created and executed JMeter scripts for performance testing of portal -
Managed offshore QA Team -
Admin for Jira (complete upgrade to Jira 4.0) -
Admin for Confluence -
Admin for HP Quality Center, completed upgrade to version 10 and migrated to new server -
Trained my replacement Director of Service Delivery Feeva Technology Lead QA Engineer March 2008 to July 2009 -- ran out of funding -
Develop end-to-end QA process for internet marking service provider -
Design & deployed QA network as test bed for services provided by Feeva -
Perform extensive Verification and Validation of new core components (C and Java based) -
Build and Release master + Created scripts to automate the build and release process -
Created automated JMeter based scripts for regression tests -
Bugzilla / MediaWiki / Jira Admin -
Deployed and setup Bugzilla & MediaWiki -
Work with OPS to stand-in Linux admin support -
Technologies: HTML, Bash Script, PHP, MySQL, Postgres, Win Vista , XP, RedHat Linux, Bugzilla, Jira, MediaWiki, JMeter, Selenium, Agile, Apache Nemerix Advanced Development Center GPS chip set company Test Lead Engineer July 2007 - Feb 2008 - lay-off -
Test Lead Engineer & Program Manager for next generation MEMS based GPS DR system -
As part of the Advanced Development team, create and execute test plans to verify the viability of new designs. -
Design super miniature test beds for MEMS DR design verification (complete multi-axis system in a 20³ mm package) -
Manage project team developers setting task priorities to assure compliance with project schedule -
Regularly report project status to remotely located senor management Note the Dime in the picture on the right (left edge of picture) On line shopping comparison site Division of eBay QA Automation Manager December 2005 – July 2007 - recruited by CTO of Nemerix - Manager of cross functional tools group for QA and development
- Set requirements for and drive delivery of custom test infrastructure based on Ruby
- Created & maintained QA team web site, including custom tracking and release scripts
- Customized and installed Bugzilla - Bugzilla master
- Manager five direct reports
Directed the creation of custom test automation framework based on Ruby -
Technologies: HTML, XML, Perl, SQL, Python, Linux, Apache, Ruby, JMeter, Selenium SiRF Technology GPS OEM Chip Manufacture SQA Manager September 2003 – November 2005 -no growth Genentech SQA Engineer Contractor August 2003 – September 2003 -
Review test case suites and test plans for migration of Kerberos to Solaris -
Enhanced existing test case suites, added negative tests to verify security of customization Ask-Jeeves Quality Engineer Contractor April 2003 – August 2003 - Black box multi-tier web page site testing (including XML non-hosted partners feeds)
- Performed load testing on selected component before deployment to the web site
- Customized Bugzilla (shareware bug tracking system) report system (Perl & CGI scripts)
- Created Perl script to automated localization of http web site test scripts.
- Created gray-box test tools for web site design & layout testing (automated user feed back)
- Updated legacy Perl based web site build scripts
- Created & maintained QA team web site
- Technologies: HTML, XML, Java Script, Perl, SQL, IIS, Win 2K, Advanced Server, XP, Linux
R2 Technology Manager Software Quality Assurance April 1 2002 – March 31 2003 - 7 day x 10 work week, too many hours Medical Instrument Company -
Managed department budget of $2,000,000.00 -
Justified 200% + budget increase from previews year vi formal presentations to CFO, CEO and other members of executive team -
Created & conducted regular project & budget presentations for senior / executive management team -
Established SQA department as integral part of R2 -
Established much higher standard of software quality for R2 -
Attended project cross functional meets for Mammo & CT product lines -
Recruited & hired eleven white & back box engineers to build the SQA Dept. -
Work very closely with engineering on schedules and testing requirements -
Pushed, engineering to have greater disciple in software development process -
Established standard for integration testing acceptance by SQA. With direct SQA oversite -
Responsible for all aspects of project management and resource allocation -
Regularly reported status to members ofexecutive management team -
Developed and implement formal SQA process to meet requirements of FDA and ISO -
Designed and managed implementation of multi-million dollar SQA lab with isolated high-speed network. -
Part of cross functional team which created New Product Introduction (NPI) process. Now used by R2 for all projects -
Technologies: HTML, XML, Java Script, C, Win 2K, Linux, Project Management, Department Management Excite@Home Manager Client Quality Engineering / Software Quality Engineering Architect Jan 2001 – Feb 2002 Layoff company now out of business -
Wrote white & black box test cases. Executed Ad-hoc and black box tests -
SQA architect for custom Email tool client (PC) and web based -
Extensive testing on E-mail system API (white box testing) -
Tested and validate E-mail user authorization system (user login & password) -
Ran load and performance tests on separator Excite@Home web based address book -
Designed & wrote automated test tools (Visual Basic), to validate functionality of message handling -
Review all test plans to assure proper test coverage -
Created software quality control process, trained & mentored team members on new process. -
Designed & executed tests on Microsoft OS, IE version 4.X and above. -
Designed & executed tests on ActiveX and COM components. -
Manager of Client Quality Engineering team of 14 White and Black box engineers -
Managed Perl & Silk scrip automation project, including setting test goals and code reviews -
Managed staff resources & project schedule using Microsoft Project -
Managed all aspects of department staffing, which included quarterly evaluations and disciplinarily actions. -
Managed work force reduction staff issues, which included selection of staff and exit process. -
Member of engineering design requirements review team -
Interfaced with engineering and project management to resolve project design and testability issues -
Consultant to engineering release team on advance Visual Source Safe administration & configuration. -
Worked very closely with engineering and project management team on project design and testability issues -
Direct involvement in acquisition and creation of historical PC systems as test beds for SQA lab -
Managed bug-tracking databases. Set standards for project bug-tracking meetings -
Group guru on PC hardware and software, executed tests on PC, Mac and Unix systems -
Technologies: HTML, XML, Java Script, C, Visual Basic All Windows OS’s, Solaris, Linux, Group Management, Project Management GN Resound Corporation Manager Software Quality Assurance & Test System Software Sept 1998 – Jan 2001 -layoff -
Performed white & black box testing as needed -
Software developed in Visual Basic 5 & 6, Powerful GUI with, MS Access as data storage tool -
Developed automated custom software build system in Visual Basic -
Manager of SQA & Test Systems Software group -
Built a team of software engineers and SQA personnel. -
Developed SQA process for reviewing software development. Process included creation of design documents, primary design reviews (PDR’s), in process code walk through, and unit testing (white box tests) -
Developed formal SQA process of in house testing of software. Documented and trained staff on process -
Project Manager & chief architect for two in-house software projects. -
Mentor and technical lead for software engineers. -
MS Visual Source Safe administrator. Conducted training class for new users -
Implemented incident tracking system, using Visual Intercept -
Technologies: HTML, XML, Java Script, Win 2K, Visual Basic, C, C++ Stanford Telecom Senior Engineering Specialist / Project Manager May 1997 – Sept 1998 - layoff -
Project manager for spin off embedded projects based on satellite ground control systems originally designed in 1980’s. PC based development-using Microtec 68K family cross compiler and tools. -
Responsible for SQA process on projects, including extensive white & black box testing -
Ported C and 68020 assembly code from defunct Apollo workstation to Win95/NT workstation. -
Perform complex design analysis to the subsystem and system level of current and proposed programs. Support all aspects of subsystem and system level development. -
Work directly with design engineer to debug there hardware and my code. As part of the collaborative effort fixes were made to both the hardware and the firmware -
Technologies: C, Visual Basic, Lab View, Assembly language, VME, GPIB, TCIP Spectra-Physics LDS May 1996 - May 1997 Manufacture of Automated PC Disk Drive Processing System Project Manager / Team Lead / GUI Developer -
Debug enhanced and maintained motion modules for a two axis robotic arm (Galil controller). -
Designed and Developed setup and calibration ‘GUI’ for two axis robotic arm. -
Designed, developed and debugged test and maintenance modules, working closely with firmware engineers. -
Project manager for 30,000 line Win95 application, written in Visual Basic 4, for $120,000.00 capital equipment, laser disk drive texturing machine. Application complete in less then three months. -
Performed extensive white box tests on GUI, then conducted and documented extensive black box test on the complete system -
At lease fifteen systems were installed at major disk drive manufactures. -
Technologies: C, Visual Basic, Assembly language, RS232 Trimble Navigation LTD Feb. 1993 - May 1996 Manufacture of Global Positions Systems Project Manager / Team Lead / Developer -
Developed software configuration and release procedures for in-house use and to meet customer requirements. Responsible for full SQA process on my projects -
Completed and tested software updates for ‘Trimpack’ GPS receiver currently in use in Korea along the demilitarize zone. -
Developed in-house tools for setup and test for hand held Global Position Receivers (GPS). Software developed in Delphi and Borland C++. DOS based tools required use of Intel assembly language. -
Project manager and Senior software engineer and for a team of eight software engineers, for a 100 million dollar NEW generation GPS project for the Department of Defense. -
Project manager for a 1.5 million dollar Miniature Under waters (GPS) Receiver (MUGR). Project required major rewrite of user interface menus and command buttons for the MUGR. Project was developed for the US Navy Seals. More then One hundred units are currently fielded. -
Projects built on In-house designed ‘real time’ embedded OS. Software developed in ‘C’ and assembly using Microtec’s 68000 cross compiler and tools -
Developed first ‘in house’ generation of new Department of Defense GPS receiver protocol ‘GPS-150 / GPS-153’ -
Nightly build master for large product based which shared common core ‘GPS’ code -
Software library and network master using Microsoft’s Visual Source Safe and Win95 based network. -
Debug updated (for the new smaller layout for the smaller hand held GPS units) mixed signal ASIC (Trimble’s GPS engine) -
Design review team member for Trimble's next generation (at that time anyway) SOC, GPS engine, CPU, security module and support features all on one chip. -
Technologies: C, Visual Basic, Delphi, Assembly language, GPS, GPIB, RS232, RS422 Verilink Corp. Dec. 89 - Dec. 92 Manufacture of T1 Telecommunications Equipment -
Senior Test Engineer and Project Manager -
Designed and developed PC based DOS shell in ‘C’ for production test software. Test engineering group thereby did not need to control user level access, shift changes and user log-in’s. The test shell logged all test results and controlled user access via the defined ‘API’ that all test programs where written to.Rewrote highly manual and labor-intensive production test program for CSU product line. By making extensive use of GPIB-488 base T1 test sets and other GPIB-488 based equipment cut test time from one hour for a set of 25 CSU to less then ten minutes. -
Work very closely with hardware test engineer to development a VME based fully custom test bed for a DS4 to T1 interface card, the LIU-3. Do to the high volume test speed was a major concern. A fully automated test could be complete in less then 4 minutes which performed a more complete test then the original manual test which took more the 20 minutes. -
Technologies: C, GPIB, VME, Multi-Bus, VXI Digital Sound Corp. March 89 - Dec. 89 Manufacture ofUnix base Voice mail system. DSC Communications Corp. March 88 - Feb. 89 Manufacture ofT3 Telecommunications Equipment. Time and Space Processing Dec. 86 - March. 88 Manufacture of Secure voice and data systems. Net Express System Inc. Jan 85 - Dec. 86 Manufacture ofLaser copier Fax system -
Designed and developed custom 286 based SCO Xenix OS system diagnostics. Written in ‘C’ and assembly. -
Very strong UNIX fundamentals, worked with the kernel writing device drivers and low level debug software. Senior R&D Technician Dec 77 to Dec 84 Professional Experience Excellent knowledge of: -
White box, Gray box, Black box testing and test case creation -
Software test & validation concepts, Software development lifecycle -
QA methodologies and processes (CMM, ISO, SDLC), planning, organization, communication and leadership skills -
Software project management, Hands on team management -
Bug tracking systems (including Bugzilla, VSS, PVCS as administer and trainer) -
Microsoft Win 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista VB, Microsoft Office, Project, FrontPage -
Design & creation of automated test tools for C & C++ based API’s, DLL, COM, ActiveX components -
Personal computer platform (excellent knowledge of PC hardware) -
Admin of Windows based networks: hardware & software, including creation of test lab. -
C, C++ Visual Basic 68k, Assembly Language, Perl, Java, SQL, IIS, .Net based web testing -
Eagle (CadSoft) PCB layout editor Strong Working knowledge of: -
Linux & Unix -
Enterprise wide multi-tier systems, validation, verification load & performance testing -
Microsoft GUI standards, verification and validations -
HTML, FTP, HTTP, POP, IMAP, SMTP, TCP/IP, LAN, WAN, Ethernet, JavaScript -
Internet Explorer, ME, NT, Unix and Unix shell scripting (csh) -
Borland C, Borland Delphi, C++, Assembly language (Motorola & Intel), -
Fireberd 6000, Audio Precision System One, Fonix 6500, Tektronix scopes, HP emulators, HP spectrum analyzers, assorted HP signal generators (RF & audio), HP RF & digital switches, HP logic analyzers, HP scopes, Applied Micro System emulators. -
Instrumentation buss: VXI, VME, Hearing aid regulatory requirements:ANSI, IEC and JIS -
Design Verification Testing (DVT): Automated Environmental test chambers (script development) Experience Working with: -
CMM & ISO requirements, Regulatory requirements: UL, CSA, VDE, FCC part 15 & 68 requirements, ANSI -
Microsoft C++ IDE, Pascal, LabView, Visual Test, Silk, Perl, CGI Scripts, XML, Java Borland C Builder -
Telecom protocols (T1, T3), Communications protocols: RS232, RS422, IEEE488 (GPIB), RS499, V.35 -
Embedded Real Time operating systems, ATE, Systems On Chip (SOC), Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) -
SQL, Netscape, MAC OS 9 & OS 10 (supervised testing of and managed resource allocation) Additional Strong Points: -
Self motivated, with strong work ethic. -
More then 24 Years of software test and development experience -
Very quick to learn new process and procedures, always hit the ground running on new projects -
Developed and conducted training class on Software Quality Control concepts and procedures -
Developed and conducted training class on use of Source Control (Visual Source Safe) -
Developed and conducted training class on Microsoft Office Tools (Word, Excel) -
Trained staff on advanced concepts of testing of standardized Microsoft Windows user interface -
Created process for and acted as moderator for code walk through and Primary Design Reviews (PDRs) -
Developer & Web master for:, SKILLS Skills | Years of Experience | Last Used | Dept / Group Manager | 10+ | Current | White / Gray / Black box testing | 13+ | Current | Project Management | 15+ | Current | Lead Developer / Designer / Architect | 13+ | Current | SQA Concepts / Procedures | 13+ | Current | MS Project (Advanced user) | 5+ | Current | Strong Win OS experience (Admin / Testing) | 8+ | Current | Perforce | 4+ | Current | Windows Office Tools | 4+ | Current | MS Visual Source Safe Admin / Trainer | 5+ | Current | PC Hardware | 10+ | Current | Microsoft Access | 6+ | Current | Debugging to component level | 20+ | Current | HTTP | 10+ | Current | Perl | 4+ | Current | Linux | 4+ | Current | Ruby | 2+ | Current | Visual Basic | 5+ | 2004 | C | 12+ | 2004 | C++ | 2+ | 2004 | SQL | 2+ | 2004 | Java-Script | 2 | 2004 | Merant’s PVCS (Tracker & Version Manager) | 2+ | 2003 | RS-232 / RS-422 | 10+ | 2000 | Scopes, Logic analyzers, ICE | 20+ | 2000 | GUI development | 10+ | 2000 | DVT PVT | 10+ | 2000 | Install Shield | 2+ | 2000 | Visual Intercept | 1+ | 2000 | Embedded Development | 10+ | 1999 | Microtec Cross Compiler tools | 10+ | 1999 | Applied Microsystems Emulator Tools | 10+ | 1999 | 68XXX Assembly Language | 10+ | 1998 | Debugging from schematics | 20+ | 1998 | IEEE-488 (GPIB) | 10+ | 1998 | VXI VME | 5+ | 1998 | Make scripts | 10+ | 1998 | RTOS | 5+ | 1998 | Multi-Axis Robotic Arm | 1+ | 1997 | Unix 'csh' & 'sh' | 5+ | 1995 | Intel Family Assembly | 5+ | 1994 | Copyrighted © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by William Gunkel |